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Color stainless steel plate how to choose and buy

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Stainless steel plate should have good corrosion resistance above all, we should consider the application of stainless steel plate, according to specific needs to judge whether the detailed specifications of rust.

Stainless steel plate corrosion resistance is relative, often said stainless steel plate corrosion resistance and rust and corrosion resistance, refers to the necessary conditions (medium, impurities, pressure, concentration, temperature, speed and other factors), not in any environment under the corrosion without rust.

When we choose stainless steel plate, the first consideration is corrosion resistance, because the material research usually focuses on the corrosion resistance of stainless steel.

Stainless steel equipment, if parts failure, due to corrosion, should be cut, corrosion damage analysis at the time, this is found after the way to take.

Stainless steel plate when bending 90℃, stainless steel plate can be used for hall wall plate, ceiling, elevator board, car board, building decoration, signboard and other decoration.

More macro prosperous stainless steel information please visit:

Post time: Nov-19-2019

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