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Understanding the Differences: No.4, Hairline, and Satin Brushed Finishes

In the realm of metal finishes, the brushed finish series, including No.4, Hairline, and Satin, are widely recognized for their unique aesthetic and functional properties. Despite their shared category, each finish possesses distinct characteristics that set them apart. Before delving into their differences, let’s first understand the general process and overview of brushed finishes.

Brushed Finish


A brushed finish is achieved by polishing the metal surface with a brush, typically made from wire. The brushing process creates a distinctive appearance of fine lines running in the same direction. This finish is popular for its ability to hide fingerprints and minor scratches, making it a preferred choice for high-traffic areas and applications that require a blend of durability and aesthetics.

The brushed finish process involves several steps. The metal surface is first thoroughly cleaned to remove any impurities. Then, it is brushed either manually or with a motorized tool equipped with a wire brush. Theorushina action creates a pattern of fine lines that follow the direction of the brushing. The depth and spacing of these lines can be adapted to achieve different visual effects.

No.4 Finish


The No.4 finish, also known as a brushed or satin finish, is characterized by short, parallel polishing lines that extend uniformly along the length of the coil or sheet The process involves passing the coil or sheet through a special roller under high pressure, resulting in a smooth, shiny finish. This finish is often used for kitchen appliances and in industrial applications where the metal needs to be both durable and aesthetically pleasing. Notably, the No4 finish has a lower processing cost, making it a cost-effective choice for many applications. While the unit cost is generally lower for coils, the choice between coil and sheet forms depends on the required quantity of the finished product.

Hairline Finish


The Hairline finish, as the name suggests, is a finish that mimics the appearance of human hair. it is achieved by polishing the metal with a 150-180 grit belt or wheel finish and then softening with an 80-120 grit greaseless compound or a medium non-woven abrasive belt or pad. This results in a finish with long continuous lines with a subtle shine. The Hairline finish is often used for architectural applications, kitchen appliances, and automotive detail. The processing cost for a Hairline finish is typically higher than that of a No.4 finish.

Satin Finish

chrome hairline (4)

The Satin finish, distinct from a No4 finish, has a more subtle shine and a smooth, soft appearance. it is created by sanding the metal with a series of progressively finer abrasives, and then softening the surface with a paste made from pumice and water. The final result is a finish that has a soft, satin-like sheen, which is less reflective than a No.4 finish. This finish is often used for decorative applications, such as furniture and lighting tubes. The Satin finish is characterized by its coarser and denser texture compared to the No4 finish. It also has the highest processing cost among the three finishes discussed here.


In conclusion, while No.4, Hairline, and Satin finishes are all part of the brushed finish series, each has its unique characteristics and applications. Understanding these differences can help you choose the right finish for your project. Whether you are looking for a finish that offers durability, aesthetic appeal, or a combination of both, the brushed finish series has something to offer.

Any questions you may have about metal finishes? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for more information or to discuss your project needs, We’re here to help you make the best decision for your specific requirements.

Contact us today and let’s create something amazing together!

Post time: Dec-29-2023

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